


Music, Creativity and Scientific Thinking, by Robert Root-Bernstein
Music and science are two ways of using a common set of “tools for thinking” that unify all disciplines. (link)

Aesthetic cognition and synosia, by Robert Root-Bernstein
Sensual experience is the basis for creative scientific thinking.(pdf)

The Grand Illusion, by Victor S. Johnston (summary)
Emotions play a central role in regulating the creative processes of learning and reasoning. (link)

Prosocial Emotions, by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
A second reason for our limited success in understanding social norms is the remarkable neglect of emotions in the study of behavior. It may seem odd that an approach once said to be based on the “calculus of pleasure and pain” would pay so little attention to feelings. But in the standard economic model actions are taken to bring about valued consequences. The process by which the individual arrives at the action is cognitive, not affective. Visceral reactions such as joy, shame, fear, and disgust thus play no role in the process of decision making, however much their anticipation may influence the evaluation of the consequences of an action. The neglect of the behavioral consequences of emotions is not limited to economics, but extends to psychology and neuroscience as well, where cognitive aspects of behavior is a major line of research, while the causes of emotions receive far more attention than their behavioral consequences. (pdf)

Visual Language Discrimination in Infancy
Infants can discriminate languages just from viewing silently presented articulations.

The Human Early Learning Partnership
Research network from British Columbia's six major universities, whose purpose is to create, promote and apply new knowledge through leading interdisciplinary research to help children thrive.

Infant Studies Centre
Describing and understanding the critical first steps in infancy that launch the process of language acquisition.

Risk as Feelings, by George F. Loewenstein et al
Emotional reactions to risky situations often diverge from cognitive assessments of those risks. When such divergence occurs, emotional reactions often drive behavior.

Mirror Neurons, Society for Neuroscience
The ability to instinctively and immediately understand what other people are experiencing has long baffled neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers alike. Recent research now suggests a fascinating explanation: brain cells called mirror neurons.


Bursts, by Albert-László Barabási
Randomness does not rule our lives, contrary to what scientists had previously assumed. (abridged version online)


The neurons that shaped civilization, VS Ramachandra
The mirror neuron system allows us to rethink issues like consciousness, representation of self, and even things like the emergence of culture and civilization.


Can You Behave Randomly?
An online excercise designed to deepen your understanding of what randomness is by having you try to behave randomly.


The International Society of Research on Emotion
A society where researchers from various disciplines and cultures can come together to discuss issues of mutual interest and concern with the emotions as their central focus.

The Swiss Centre for Affective Sciences
The NCCR Affective Sciences is the first national research centre dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of emotions and their effects on human behaviour and society. (brochure pdf)

The Brain: A User's Guide to Emotions
Infographic: an overview of the major areas of the brain involved in processing emotions.