
eipiphiny Symbols

What is the purpose of the eipiphiny logo?

The eipiphiny logo has been designed to artistically capture the emotional spirit of the MEHME underlying Euler’s famous equation/relationship, as expressed by Professor Casti, and much more. In many ways it is an exceptional good luck charm made up of outstanding very lucky numbers. Mankind has been extremely fortunate to have discovered the very lucky numbers, pi (3.14159...), e (2.71828…), phi (1.618033…), 1, 0, and i (the square root of -1). Further it is amazing that mankind discovered that these numbers, that are so important to our existence and progress, are all related. At some time in history the above lucky numbers elicited MEHMEs and eipiphinies in those playing the game of science, as any study of their history reveals. Unfortunately for many today they are taken for granted and the MEHMEs and eipiphinies are lost. Our educational system does not leave room for introducing the discovery of these numbers historically, so today’s students could at least vicariously experience that which the discoverers experienced as a foundation to enjoying the joy of mathematics and stochastics. We hope to rectify this unfortunate educational deficiency that cripples far too many students today.

Luck played a further role in the design of the eipiphiny logo. By consensus over the centuries it was agreed that certain letters would represent these numbers, otherwise it would be very difficult and very inconvenient to discuss and use these numbers. Luckily the letters chosen lend themselves to being combined in one design. With artistic license the eipiphiny logo contains e, i, Π, Φ, 0, 1 as well as the circle that has played an equally cogent role in our history. The letters “e” and “i” can stand for emotional intelligence, which is central to what we want to encourage. Further “i” and “e” can relate to other words that are so important in learning this subject matter. Some examples are, intuition, involvement, ingenuity, enthusiasm, euphoria, eureka, esthetic, and so on. The eipiphiny logo inverted is also a G enclosing an exclamation mark therein. The exclamation mark is an efficient and appropriate symbol to represent the eureka and ah hah experience involved in MEHMEs and eipiphinies. G can represent the first initial of many who in history have experienced MEHMEs and eipiphinies and have contributed so much to others experiencing them, for example Gauss, Gödel, Galton, and Galileo etc. For those so inclined G can represent God. Throughout history one will find constant reference to the question, “Is God a Mathematician?” It is perhaps easy to understand that the amazing and unbelievable effectiveness of these numbers in our lives can elicit such a question.

The members of the eipiphiny Society proudly wear the eipiphiny logo as a demonstration of their dedication and allegiance to the goals and purpose of our society. Whenever asked the significance of the insignia members will put forth best effort to find ways to share and explain. By so doing new ways will be discovered to help future generations to experience eipiphinies and MEHMEs.

For those of us who have benefited and been fortunate enough to have experienced MEHMEs and eipiphinies the eipiphiny pin serves as our personal good luck charm and a constant reminder of our good fortune and our desire to bestow this luck on as many future generations as possible.

Eipiphiny Screensaver/Good Luck Charm

An animated screen saver/good luck charm based on the eipiphiny symbol and a spiral graphic by Brave Form Graphic Design is available on sacred-geometry.com. Click here for more information and to download.

Thanks to Mika Feinberg for creating the eipiphiny screensaver.

Constituent symbols

Φ Phi
Phi (1.618 03 ...) is the basis for the Golden Section, Ratio or Mean. To learn more, visit goldennumber.net.

  • Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section Dr Ron Knott's multimedia web site on the Fibonacci numbers, the Golden section and the Golden string.
  • The Golden Ratio The golden ratio has been famed throughout history for its aesthetic properties.
  • Fibonacci Numbers in Nature The Fibonacci numbers are Nature's numbering system. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf arrangement in plants, to the pattern of the florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, or the scales of a pineapple.
  • The Golden Ratio... A bibliography on the Golden Ratio.
  • The life and numbers of Fibonacci by R.Knott, D.A.Quinney and PASS Maths
  • PhiMatrix Phi-based proportions provide an inherent natural sense of beauty, balance and harmony because these proportions appear so pervasively in nature.
  • Golden Ratio Calculation, history, applications and observations.

e ( 2.71828...), the base of natural logarithms, is an important constant in problems involving growth or decay (including compound interest), the statistical "bell curve," the shape of a hanging cable, and more. To learn more, click here.

i is the "imaginary number" whose square = -1. To learn more, click here.

π Pi
Pi (3.14159...) is an irrational real number, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. To learn more, click here.

0 Zero
Zero (0) is an integer which quantifies a count or an amount of null size. To learn more, click here.